applied visualistics

Jan Wojdziak

Freelance visualizer and full-time researcher
at University of Technology Dresden

Interests: Interface Design, Interaction Design, Information Visualization, Computergraphics, Psychology of Perception

research projects
Bildsprache LiveLab

Bildsprache LiveLab (BiLL) is an experimental framework to visualize three dimensional computer graphics in realtime. It is used to investigate 3D interaction design and constitutes the basis for research projects in the range of computer graphics and cognitive psychology.
Bildsprache LiveLab (german only)
MindMap APS

Semantic Search is a process used to improve online searching by using data from semantic networks to disambiguate queries and web text in order to generate more relevant results. Facet browsing has become popular as a user friendly interface to data repositories. This project interconnects the two processes.
project description (german only)

Perspective Correction in cooperation with Audi Design

Projections of three-dimensional scenes occur to distortions in wide angle visualizations. These distortions are traced back to the mathematical regularities of linear projection.The fundamental technique to suspend these distortions is the creation of interior perspectives in the overall spatial system and is used to support the design process of Audi.

--no link for now--


Social software as media tool of communication. Innovative algorithms and methods for the visualization of and the search in amount of data is the aspiration of this project.

project description (german only)